Thursday, May 30, 2013

Top 5 Comma Errors

Check any style guide and you’ll find page after page of rules for use of the comma. Below are five of the most common comma mistakes we see as we review papers and the web:

1. With quotation marks
RULE: Put a comma that follows a closing quotation mark inside the last quotation mark.
EXAMPLE: The baby’s three new words are “Dog,” “Hot,” and “No.”
NOTE: In the US, (unlike the UK) commas and periods go inside the quotation marks. 

2. Comma splices or run-on sentences
RULE: Don’t put a comma between two independent clauses.
EXAMPLE: I used to love tofu, now I can’t stand the stuff.
NOTE: When you have two independent clauses (phrases that can stand by themselves as sentences), separate them with a semicolon, a period, or a comma and a coordinating conjunction, eg, I used to love tofu, but now I can’t stand the stuff. 

3. In a series
RULE: Use commas to separate items in a list or series
EXAMPLE: I picked up the dry cleaning, dropped the dog at the groomer’s, and met my husband for lunch. 
NOTE: Although some style guides say that using a comma before the last and in a series or list is optional, most style guides suggest using one to help avoid reader misunderstanding

4. To set off nonrestrictive clauses
RULE: A nonrestrictive clause can be left out of the sentence without changing the meaning. Nonrestrictive clauses usually are surrounded or preceded by commas.
EXAMPLE: Carrie Phillips, the girl we often see walking alone on the beach, won the science award. 
NOTE: Often the word which precedes a nonrestrictive clause. For example, Mark lives on Elm Street, which is only two blocks from my house. In this case, use the comma before which.

5. Commas with dates
- Use a comma between the day and the year: August 4, 1969.
- When writing the day as well as the date, use a comma after the day and date: Thursday, May 23, 2013.
- Do not use a comma when it is just the month and the year: December 1977.
- Do not use a comma when using an inverted date: 20 June 1990.


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